Family: Poaceae
Author: Trin.
Bibliography: Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math. 2: 173 (1832)
Year: 1832
Status: accepted
Rank: species
Genus: Bromus
Vegetable: False
Observations: Aleutian Is. to Canada and W. U.S.A.
Alaska brome, scientifically referred to as Bromus sitchensis, is a noteworthy species within the Poaceae family. This perennial grass is primarily found in the Aleutian Islands and extends its range through Canada to the western regions of the United States. Described by the botanist Trinius in 1832, Alaska brome has been studied for its adaptability and ecological significance in these areas.
Thriving in moist and cool environments, Alaska brome typically inhabits coastal meadows and forested regions where it plays a critical role in stabilizing soil and supporting local ecosystems. The robust and tufted nature of this grass allows it to withstand the challenging conditions of its native habitats, contributing to its widespread presence across a significant portion of North America’s western coastal regions.
Beyond its ecological contributions, Alaska brome is also of interest due to its potential applications in agriculture and land management. Its hardy nature makes it a valuable species for forage in grazing systems, as well as for reclamation projects aimed at restoring disturbed lands.
In essence, Bromus sitchensis stands out not only for its resilience and ecological importance but also for its historical significance, having been documented in scientific literature for nearly two centuries. Dating back to its initial description in the early 19th century, it continues to be a subject of interest for botanists and ecologists working to understand and preserve the flora of North America’s coastal environments.
Common Names
Swe: sloklosta
Eng: sitka brome
Fra: brome de sitka
En: Alaska brome, Sitka brome, Alaska Brome-grass
Nl: Alaska-Dravik, Alaskadravik
Fi: Sitkankattara
Fr: Brome de Sitka
De: Alaska-Trespe, Alaskatrespe
Es: Cebadilla criolla
Sv: Sloklosta
- Ceratochloa sitchensis ((Trin.) Cope & Ryves)
- Alaska (native)
- Alberta (native)
- Aleutian Is. (native)
- British Columbia (native)
- California (native)
- Idaho (native)
- Manitoba (native)
- Ontario (native)
- Oregon (native)
- Québec (native)
- Washington (native)
- Austria (introduced)
- Belgium (introduced)
- France (introduced)
- Germany (introduced)
- New Zealand South (introduced)
Additional Images
Taken Jan 1, 1900 by EOL − Encyclopedia of Life (cc-by-nc)
Taken Jan 1, 1900 by EOL − Encyclopedia of Life (cc-by-nc)
Taken Jan 1, 1900 by EOL − Encyclopedia of Life (cc-by-nc)
Taken Jan 1, 1900 by EOL − Encyclopedia of Life (cc-by-nc)
- WFO (No URL)
- GBIF (
- POWO (
- PlantNet ( sitchensis Trin.)
Growth form>: Bunch
Growth habit>: Graminoid
Growth rate>: Moderate
Ph maximum: 7.2
Ph minimum: 5.6