Categories: Boraginaceae

Blue echium (Echium vulgare, Sp. Pl.: 139 (1753))

Family: Boraginaceae

Author: L.

Bibliography: Sp. Pl.: 139 (1753)

Year: 1753

Status: accepted

Rank: species

Genus: Echium

Vegetable: False

Observations: Europe to Xinjiang


Blue echium, known scientifically as Echium vulgare, is a captivating plant native to various regions extending from Europe to Xinjiang. This vibrant species is a proud member of the Boraginaceae family.

First described in the seminal work “Species Plantarum” by the renowned botanist Carl Linnaeus in 1753, Echium vulgare has since captivated botanists and nature enthusiasts alike with its striking appearance and resilience. The plant is recognized for its tall, bristly stems adorned with a plethora of tiny, tubular flowers that exhibit a striking blue hue, hence its common name. These blossoms typically emerge in late spring through early autumn, contributing to the plant’s prolonged period of visual appeal.

In its natural habitat, Blue echium thrives in a variety of environments, ranging from grasslands and meadows to roadside verges and waste places. This adaptability is one of the reasons for its extensive geographical distribution. It is particularly fond of sunny locations with well-drained soils and can often be spotted basking in full sunlight, making it a common sight in many parts of Europe and extending all the way to the far reaches of Xinjiang.

The plant’s leaves are lanceolate and covered in fine, stiff hairs, giving it a somewhat coarse texture. These hairs are not merely for show; they serve to protect the plant from herbivores and help to reduce water loss, a testament to the plant’s evolutionary adaptations.

Among gardeners and horticulturists, Echium vulgare is appreciated not only for its beauty but also for its attractiveness to pollinators. Bees, butterflies, and other insects are frequently drawn to its nectar-rich flowers, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance the biodiversity of their garden.

In conclusion, Blue echium is a remarkable plant with rich historical roots and widespread appeal. Its striking blue flowers, ecological adaptability, and role in supporting pollinator health underline its importance both in natural and cultivated landscapes.

Common Names

Dan: almindelig slangehoved, læge-kvæsurt, slangehoved
Nor: blodtopp, ulvegab, vargflab
Swe: blodtopp, gråpimpinell, prunkhallon, blåeld, kyläneidonkieli
Eng: blue echium, blue thistle, blue-devil, blueweed, common echium, common viper’s bugloss, common vipersbugloss, viper’s-bugloss, vipers bugloss, blue devil, viper’s bugloss
Deu: gemeiner natterkopf, gewöhnlicher natterkopf, gewöhnlicher natternkopf
Fin: punaluppio, kyläneidonkieli
Fra: vipérine commune, vipérine, vipérine vulgaire
Afr: blou-echium
Por: colubrina, suajos
Ces: hadinec obecný
Nob: ormehode
Nno: ormehovud
Nld: slangenkruid
Spa: viborera
Cym: bronwerth y wiber, bwglos y wiber, glas y graean, glesyn y wiber, gwiberlys, gwiberlys cyffredin, tafod y bwch, tafod yr afr
Gla: lus na nathrach, lusan na nathrach
En: Blue echium, Blueweed, Blue thistle, Blue-devil, Viper’s-bugloss, Common viper’s bugloss, Blue-thistle, Common Viper’s-bugloss, Common vipersbugloss, COMMON ECHIUM, Viper’s bugloss, Vipers bugloss, Blue devil
Af: Blou-echium, Blou echium
Sq: Ushqerza e rëndomtë
Ar: أخيون
Hy: Իժախոտ սովորական
Az: Adi göyək
Eu: Sugegorri-belar
Be: Сіняк звычайны, Сіняквет звычайны
Bg: Обикновено усойниче
Ca: Bolenga borda, Borratja borda, Cul de porc, Herba viborera, Viperina, Llengua de bou, Llengua de bou vulgar
Zh: Lan ji, 蓝蓟
Kw: Naderles
Co: Viparina turchina
Hr: Obična lisičina
Cs: Hadinec obecný
Da: Almindelig Slangehoved, Læge-Kvæsurt, Slangehoved
Nl: Slangenkruid, Slangekruid
Et: Harilik ussikeel, Ussikeel
Fi: Kyläneidonkieli, Neidonkieli, Punaluppio
Fr: Bouquet bleu, Herbe aux vipéres, Herbe bleue, Herbe piquante, Langue d’oie, Vipérine commune, Vipérine vulgaire, Viperine commune, Vipérine
Ka: Ლურჯი ძირწითელა
De: Gewöhnlicher Natternkopf, Gemeiner Natterkopf, Gewöhnlicher Natterkopf, Gemeiner Natternkopf, Stolzer Heinrich
Hu: Kígyószisz, Terjőke kígyószisz
Ga: Lus nathrach
It: Viperina azzurra, Erba viperina, Borragine selvatica, Echio, Erba serpentina, Lingua di bove
Ko: 에키움
Lt: Paprastasis ežeinis
Mk: Волчја опашка
No: Ormehode, Blodtopp, Ulvegab, Vargflab
Nb: Ormehode
Nn: Ormehovud
Oc: Bourrage-fèr, Suçamèlo
Os: Уохъ
Fa: گل افعی رسمی
Pl: Żmijowiec zwyczajny
Pt: Borrago, Erva-azul, Erva-viperina, Viperina, Colubrina, Suajos
Pt-br: Borrago, Erva-azul
Qu: Llunku-llunku
Ro: Iarba şarpelui, Iarba șarpelui
Ru: Sinyak obyknovenny, Синяк обыкновенный
Gd: Lus na nathrach, Lusan na nathrach
Sk: Hadinec obyčajný
Es: Viborera, Abalea, Boninos, Buglosa salvaje, Buglosa, Cardo, Chupamiel, Chupamieles, Hierba azul, Hierba de la víbora, Hierba viborera, Jarrita, Lengua de buey salvage, Lengua de buey salvaje, Lengua de buey, Lengua de vaca, Lenguardia, Lenguaza, Navadni gadovec, Paquetequieromañosa, Viborera común, Viborera morada, Viperina, Vivorera morada, Yapazos, Yerba de la víbora
Sv: Blåeld, Blåtistel, Rävarompa, Rävasvans, Blodtopp, Gråpimpinell, Prunkhallon, Kyläneidonkieli
Zh-tw: 藍薊
Tr: Adi engerek otu
Uk: Синяк звичайний
Cy: Gwiberlys, Bronwerth y Wiber, Bwglos y Wiber, Glas y Graean, Glesyn y Wiber, Gwiberlys Cyffredin, Tafod y Bwch, Tafod yr Afr



    • Albania (native)
    • Altay (native)
    • Austria (native)
    • Baltic States (native)
    • Belarus (native)
    • Belgium (native)
    • Bulgaria (native)
    • Central European Rus (native)
    • Corse (native)
    • Cyprus (native)
    • Czechoslovakia (native)
    • Denmark (native)
    • East Aegean Is. (native)
    • East European Russia (native)
    • Finland (native)
    • France (native)
    • Germany (native)
    • Great Britain (native)
    • Greece (native)
    • Hungary (native)
    • Ireland (native)
    • Irkutsk (native)
    • Italy (native)
    • Kazakhstan (native)
    • Kirgizstan (native)
    • Krasnoyarsk (native)
    • Krym (native)
    • Netherlands (native)
    • North Caucasus (native)
    • Northwest European R (native)
    • Norway (native)
    • Poland (native)
    • Portugal (native)
    • Romania (native)
    • Sardegna (native)
    • Sicilia (native)
    • South European Russi (native)
    • Spain (native)
    • Sweden (native)
    • Switzerland (native)
    • Tadzhikistan (native)
    • Transcaucasus (native)
    • Turkey (native)
    • Turkey-in-Europe (native)
    • Turkmenistan (native)
    • Ukraine (native)
    • Uzbekistan (native)
    • West Siberia (native)
    • Xinjiang (native)
    • Yugoslavia (native)
    • Alaska (introduced)
    • Alberta (introduced)
    • Algeria (introduced)
    • Argentina South (introduced)
    • Arkansas (introduced)
    • British Columbia (introduced)
    • Buryatiya (introduced)
    • Cape Provinces (introduced)
    • Chile Central (introduced)
    • Chile South (introduced)
    • Connecticut (introduced)
    • Delaware (introduced)
    • District of Columbia (introduced)
    • Free State (introduced)
    • Georgia (introduced)
    • Idaho (introduced)
    • Illinois (introduced)
    • Indiana (introduced)
    • Iowa (introduced)
    • Kansas (introduced)
    • Kentucky (introduced)
    • Khabarovsk (introduced)
    • Lesotho (introduced)
    • Louisiana (introduced)
    • Maine (introduced)
    • Manitoba (introduced)
    • Maryland (introduced)
    • Masachusettes (introduced)
    • Michigan (introduced)
    • Minnesota (introduced)
    • Missouri (introduced)
    • Montana (introduced)
    • Morocco (introduced)
    • Nebraska (introduced)
    • New Brunswick (introduced)
    • New Hampshire (introduced)
    • New Jersey (introduced)
    • New Mexico (introduced)
    • New South Wales (introduced)
    • New York (introduced)
    • New Zealand North (introduced)
    • New Zealand South (introduced)
    • Newfoundland (introduced)
    • North Carolina (introduced)
    • Northern Provinces (introduced)
    • Nova Scotia (introduced)
    • Ohio (introduced)
    • Oklahoma (introduced)
    • Ontario (introduced)
    • Oregon (introduced)
    • Pennsylvania (introduced)
    • Primorye (introduced)
    • Prince Edward I. (introduced)
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    • Rhode I. (introduced)
    • Sakhalin (introduced)
    • Saskatchewan (introduced)
    • South Australia (introduced)
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    • South Dakota (introduced)
    • Tasmania (introduced)
    • Tennessee (introduced)
    • Texas (introduced)
    • Utah (introduced)
    • Vermont (introduced)
    • Victoria (introduced)
    • Virginia (introduced)
    • Washington (introduced)
    • West Virginia (introduced)
    • Wisconsin (introduced)
    • Wyoming (introduced)

    Additional Images

    © copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

    © copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

    © copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.


    Taken May 25, 2019 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)

    Taken May 18, 2017 by Roberto Dessì (cc-by-sa)

    Taken May 21, 2018 by Marcos Rivas Campoamor (cc-by-sa)

    Taken May 31, 2020 by Terrisse Delin Julien (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jun 29, 2015 by Henk Van Lottum (cc-by-sa)


    Taken Jun 29, 2015 by Henk Van Lottum (cc-by-sa)

    Taken May 15, 2018 by Pep Secem (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jan 6, 2019 by Florencia Uzal (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jan 6, 2019 by Florencia Uzal (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jun 29, 2015 by Henk Van Lottum (cc-by-sa)


    Taken May 16, 2018 by 1 (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jul 13, 2018 by Pep Secem (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jul 17, 2021 by Dieter Albrecht (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jun 18, 2019 by jose (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Feb 7, 2019 by Pep Secem (cc-by-sa)


    Taken Oct 22, 2016 by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Aug 15, 2022 by David Hocken (cc-by-sa)

    Taken May 28, 2020 by Catmic Catmic (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jan 30, 2020 by Martin Rolt (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jul 17, 2021 by Dieter Albrecht (cc-by-sa)


    Taken Jun 18, 2019 by jose (cc-by-sa)

    Taken May 21, 2018 by Marcos Rivas Campoamor (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jun 11, 2018 by Fejul Xeto (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jun 11, 2018 by Fejul Xeto (cc-by-sa)

    Taken May 23, 2018 by jose (cc-by-sa)


    Taken Jul 6, 2021 by Sascha Radulovic (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Aug 22, 2019 by Jonker Annette (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jul 14, 2019 by zmei (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Jun 7, 2021 by Alain Bigou (cc-by-sa)

    Taken Nov 29, 2020 by benoit T (cc-by-sa)


    • WFO (No URL)
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    • PlantNet ( vulgare L.)


    Growth habit: Forb/herb


    Ph maximum: 7.0

    Ph minimum: 6.5

    Light: 8

    Atmospheric humidity: 3

    Bloom months: [‘may’, ‘jun’, ‘jul’, ‘aug’]

    Soil nutriments: 4


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