Categories: Plantaginaceae

Brook-pimpernel (Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Sp. Pl.: 12 (1753))

Family: Plantaginaceae

Author: L.

Bibliography: Sp. Pl.: 12 (1753)

Year: 1753

Status: accepted

Rank: species

Genus: Veronica

Vegetable: False

Observations: Temp. Eurasia to Trop. Mts.


The Brook-pimpernel, scientifically named Veronica anagallis-aquatica, is a fascinating aquatic plant that contributes significantly to the biodiversity of riparian ecosystems. First described by the renowned botanist Carl Linnaeus in his seminal work “Species Plantarum” published in 1753, this perennial herb belongs to the family Plantaginaceae.

Brook-pimpernel exhibits a broad geographical distribution, thriving predominantly in temperate regions of Eurasia and extending its range to tropical mountainous areas. This habitat diversity highlights the plant’s adaptability and ecological significance.

Characteristically, Brook-pimpernel is found in wet and marshy environments, typically along stream banks, ditches, and wetlands. Its preference for water-saturated soils makes it a vital component of aquatic vegetation communities, providing habitat and food for various fauna.

The plant is easily recognized by its lush green foliage and delicate blue to purple flowers that bloom from late spring through summer. Each flower is small yet intricate, contributing to the overall beauty and ecological value of natural water bodies.

Ecologically, Brook-pimpernel plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of freshwater ecosystems. It helps stabilize soil, reducing erosion along watercourses, and provides cover and food for aquatic insects and other wildlife.

Overall, Veronica anagallis-aquatica is not just an attractive addition to natural landscapes but also an important species for ecological balance and the conservation of wetland habitats. Its widespread presence from temperate Eurasia to tropical mountains underscores its versatility and vital role in diverse environmental settings.

Common Names

Eng: blue water speedwell, blue water-speedwell, brook-pimpernel, water speedwell, brook pimpernel
Deu: gauchheil-ehrenpreis, uferehrenpreis, wasser-ehrenpreis, wasserehrenpreis
Dan: lancetbladet ærenpris, lancetbladet ærenpris (submers form)
Nor: vassveronika, bækflesme, rank bækbung, vassflesme
Nld: blauwe waterereprijs
Spa: bérula
Fin: konnantädyke
Swe: konnantädyke, vattenveronika, vattenärenpris
Fra: mouron d’eau, véronique mouron deau, véronique mouron-d’eau, mouron aquatique, véronique mouron d’eau
Nob: vassveronika
Nno: vassveronika
Cym: graeanllys y dŵr
Ita: veronica acquatica
En: Brook-pimpernel, Water speedwell, Blue water speedwell, Blue Water-speedwell, Brook pimpernel
Ar: حبق (حَبَق)، عشب المويه (عَشْب المويه), عكاش (عَكاش), لبخ الميه(لَبَخ الميه)، لبخ المويه (لِِبْخ المويه)
Be: Крынічнік ручайны
Bg: Водно великденче
Ca: Anagall d’aigua, Herba de folls
Zh: Bei shui ku mai, 北水苦荬
Cs: Rozrazil drchničkovitý
Da: Lancetbladet ærenpris, Lancetbladet ærenpris (submers form)
Nl: Blauwe waterereprijs, Waterereprijs
Et: Allikmailane
Fi: Konnantädyke
Fr: Mouron d’eau, Mouron Aquatique, Veronique mouron d’eau, Véronique Mouron d’Eau, Véronique aquatique, Véronique mouron deau, Véronique mouron-d’eau
De: Uferehrenpreis, Blauer Wasser-Ehrenpreis, Gauchheil-Ehrenpreis, Ufer-Ehrenpreis, Wasserehrenpreis, Wasser-Ehrenpreis, Blauer Wasserehrenpreis, Gauchheilehrenpreis
He: ורוניקת המים
Is: Laugadepla
It: Veronica Acquatica, Erba grassa
Ja: Ō-kawajisha
Kk: Кілт тектес бөденешөп
Lv: Upmalas veronika
Gv: Burleek ushtey
No: Vassveronika, Bækflesme, Rank bækbung, Vassflesme
Nb: Vassveronika
Nn: Vassveronika
Fa: سیزاب آبی
Pt: Morrião-da-água, Verónica, Verónica-brava, Verónicas
Pt-br: Verônica
Ru: Вероника береговая, Вероника ключевая, Или Вероника береговая
Sk: Veronika drchničková
Es: Bérula, Anagálide acuática, Berros, Espiga de reina, Frailes, Frailucos, Hierba de locos, Hierba de los locos, Rabaza, Veronica como berros, Verula, Verónica acuática, Verónica como berros, Verónica de arroyos, Verónica de hoja larga
Sv: Vattenveronika, Konnantädyke, Vattenärenpris
Uk: Вероніка джерельна
Cy: Graeanllys y Dŵr


  • Veronica aquatica f. subeglandulosa (Holmb.)
  • Beccabunga anagallis-aquatica ((L.) Fourr.)


  • Albania (native)
  • Algeria (native)
  • Altay (native)
  • Assam (native)
  • Austria (native)
  • Azores (native)
  • Baleares (native)
  • Baltic States (native)
  • Bangladesh (native)
  • Belarus (native)
  • Belgium (native)
  • Bulgaria (native)
  • Buryatiya (native)
  • Canary Is. (native)
  • Cape Provinces (native)
  • Cape Verde (native)
  • Central European Rus (native)
  • Chad (native)
  • China North-Central (native)
  • China South-Central (native)
  • China Southeast (native)
  • Chita (native)
  • Corse (native)
  • Cyprus (native)
  • Czechoslovakia (native)
  • Denmark (native)
  • Djibouti (native)
  • East Aegean Is. (native)
  • East European Russia (native)
  • East Himalaya (native)
  • Egypt (native)
  • Eritrea (native)
  • Ethiopia (native)
  • Finland (native)
  • France (native)
  • Free State (native)
  • Germany (native)
  • Great Britain (native)
  • Greece (native)
  • Hungary (native)
  • Iceland (native)
  • India (native)
  • Inner Mongolia (native)
  • Iran (native)
  • Iraq (native)
  • Ireland (native)
  • Irkutsk (native)
  • Italy (native)
  • Kazakhstan (native)
  • Kenya (native)
  • Kirgizstan (native)
  • Krasnoyarsk (native)
  • Kriti (native)
  • Krym (native)
  • KwaZulu-Natal (native)
  • Lebanon-Syria (native)
  • Lesotho (native)
  • Libya (native)
  • Madeira (native)
  • Manchuria (native)
  • Mongolia (native)
  • Morocco (native)
  • Myanmar (native)
  • Namibia (native)
  • Nepal (native)
  • Netherlands (native)
  • North Caucasus (native)
  • North European Russi (native)
  • Northern Provinces (native)
  • Northwest European R (native)
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  • Poland (native)
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  • Qinghai (native)
  • Romania (native)
  • Rwanda (native)
  • Sardegna (native)
  • Saudi Arabia (native)
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  • South European Russi (native)
  • Spain (native)
  • Sudan (native)
  • Swaziland (native)
  • Sweden (native)
  • Switzerland (native)
  • Tadzhikistan (native)
  • Tanzania (native)
  • Tibet (native)
  • Transcaucasus (native)
  • Tunisia (native)
  • Turkey (native)
  • Turkey-in-Europe (native)
  • Turkmenistan (native)
  • Tuva (native)
  • Uganda (native)
  • Ukraine (native)
  • Uzbekistan (native)
  • West Himalaya (native)
  • West Siberia (native)
  • Xinjiang (native)
  • Yemen (native)
  • Yugoslavia (native)
  • Zambia (native)
  • Zaïre (native)
  • Zimbabwe (native)
  • Alabama (introduced)
  • Alberta (introduced)
  • Argentina Northeast (introduced)
  • Argentina Northwest (introduced)
  • Argentina South (introduced)
  • Arizona (introduced)
  • Bolivia (introduced)
  • Brazil South (introduced)
  • Brazil Southeast (introduced)
  • British Columbia (introduced)
  • California (introduced)
  • Chile Central (introduced)
  • Chile North (introduced)
  • Chile South (introduced)
  • Colorado (introduced)
  • Connecticut (introduced)
  • Delaware (introduced)
  • District of Columbia (introduced)
  • Florida (introduced)
  • Georgia (introduced)
  • Illinois (introduced)
  • Indiana (introduced)
  • Iowa (introduced)
  • Japan (introduced)
  • Juan Fernández Is. (introduced)
  • Kansas (introduced)
  • Kentucky (introduced)
  • Korea (introduced)
  • Maine (introduced)
  • Maryland (introduced)
  • Mauritius (introduced)
  • Michigan (introduced)
  • Missouri (introduced)
  • Montana (introduced)
  • Nebraska (introduced)
  • Nevada (introduced)
  • New Jersey (introduced)
  • New Mexico (introduced)
  • New York (introduced)
  • New Zealand North (introduced)
  • North Carolina (introduced)
  • North Dakota (introduced)
  • Ohio (introduced)
  • Oklahoma (introduced)
  • Ontario (introduced)
  • Oregon (introduced)
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  • Peru (introduced)
  • Primorye (introduced)
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  • St.Helena (introduced)
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  • Texas (introduced)
  • Uruguay (introduced)
  • Utah (introduced)
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  • Virginia (introduced)
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  • West Virginia (introduced)
  • Wisconsin (introduced)
  • Wyoming (introduced)

Additional Images


Taken Jul 11, 2019 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 11, 2019 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 11, 2019 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 11, 2019 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 11, 2019 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)


Taken Apr 24, 2016 by Tela Botanica − Charles GRATIEN (cc-by-sa)

Taken May 22, 2015 by Tela Botanica − Paul FABRE (cc-by-sa)

Taken Mar 29, 2021 by Llandrich anna (cc-by-sa)

Taken Mar 29, 2021 by Llandrich anna (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 11, 2019 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)


Taken Sep 14, 2021 by Maneli Fabio (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 8, 2019 by Emanuele Santarelli (cc-by-sa)

Taken Dec 1, 2019 by boualem felfoul (cc-by-sa)

Taken May 12, 2021 by Julián Díaz (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 11, 2019 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)


Taken May 12, 2016 by Tela Botanica − Liliane ROUBAUDI (cc-by-sa)

Taken Sep 19, 1993 by Tela Botanica − Liliane ROUBAUDI (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 26, 2016 by Tela Botanica − Stephen LEROY (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 13, 2022 by yvon s (cc-by-sa)

Taken Mar 29, 2021 by Llandrich anna (cc-by-sa)


Taken Sep 28, 2017 by Tela Botanica − Liliane ROUBAUDI (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 15, 2015 by Tela Botanica − Jean-Pierre LESPINASSE (cc-by-sa)

Taken Sep 28, 2017 by Tela Botanica − Liliane ROUBAUDI (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 15, 2015 by Tela Botanica − Jean-Pierre LESPINASSE (cc-by-sa)

Taken Sep 28, 2017 by Tela Botanica − Liliane ROUBAUDI (cc-by-sa)


Taken Jun 2, 2015 by Tela Botanica − Chloe M (cc-by-sa)

Taken May 28, 2015 by Tela Botanica − Jean-Luc Gorremans (cc-by-sa)

Taken Oct 21, 2014 by Tela Botanica − Benjamin Suze (cc-by-sa)

Taken Oct 21, 2014 by Tela Botanica − Benjamin Suze (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 15, 2015 by Tela Botanica − Jean-Pierre LESPINASSE (cc-by-sa)

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.


  • WFO (No URL)
  • IPNI (No URL)
  • GBIF (
  • POWO (
  • PlantNet ( anagallis-aquatica L.)


Growth habit: Forb/herb


Ph maximum: 7.5

Ph minimum: 7.0

Light: 8

Atmospheric humidity: 9

Soil nutriments: 6


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