Family: Orchidaceae
Author: L.
Bibliography: Sp. Pl.: 950 (1753)
Year: 1753
Status: accepted
Rank: species
Genus: Arethusa
Vegetable: False
Observations: C. & E. Canada to NC. & E. U.S.A.
Dragon’s mouth, scientifically known as Arethusa bulbosa, is a captivating perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Orchidaceae family. This enchanting orchid holds a distinguished place in the floral world, having been first described by the renowned botanist Carl Linnaeus in his seminal work “Species Plantarum” published in 1753.
Dragon’s mouth is native to cooler regions, predominantly appearing in central and eastern Canada, extending southward to North Carolina, and covering diverse ecosystems in the eastern United States. Characterized by its vibrant and unique blossoms, it thrives in bogs, swamps, and wet meadows, where it can often be found amidst sphagnum moss and other moisture-loving plants.
One of the most striking features of Arethusa bulbosa is its solitary, showy flower which typically blooms in late spring to early summer. The flower is distinguished by its radiant magenta or pinkish-purple hue, which stands in stark contrast to the green, marshy backgrounds it often inhabits. The bloom comprises a helmet-shaped upper sepal and petals, along with a prominent lower lip adorned with fringed, white, and yellow markings that lure pollinators such as bees.
Despite its petite stature, Dragon’s mouth orchid commands attention, not just for its beauty but also for its ecological significance. It plays a vital role in its habitat, contributing to the biodiversity and stability of wetland ecosystems. However, due to habitat destruction and other environmental pressures, the Arethusa bulbosa is considered a species that needs monitoring to ensure its conservation and protection in the wild.
Botanists and orchid enthusiasts alike cherish Dragon’s mouth for its delicate and rare beauty. Efforts to conserve its natural habitats are crucial in safeguarding this charming orchid for future generations to admire and study.
Common Names
Eng: dragon’s mouth, swamp-pink, dragon’s-mouth, arethusa, swamp pink, wild pink
Fra: aréthuse bulbeuse, aréthuse
En: Dragon’s mouth, Dragon’s-Mouth, Swamp-pink, Arethusa, Swamp pink, Wild pink
Ar: فم التنين
Eu: Dragoi Ahoa
Fr: Aréthuse bulbeuse, Aréthuse
El: Αρέθουσα
Es: Boca de dragón
Vi: Phong lan miệng rồng
- Arethusa bulbosa f. albiflora (E.L.Rand & Redfield)
- Arethusa bulbosa f. subcaerulea (E.L.Rand & Redfield)
- Alberta (native)
- Connecticut (native)
- Delaware (native)
- Illinois (native)
- Indiana (native)
- Labrador (native)
- Maine (native)
- Manitoba (native)
- Masachusettes (native)
- Michigan (native)
- Minnesota (native)
- New Brunswick (native)
- New Hampshire (native)
- New Jersey (native)
- New York (native)
- Newfoundland (native)
- North Carolina (native)
- Nova Scotia (native)
- Ohio (native)
- Ontario (native)
- Pennsylvania (native)
- Prince Edward I. (native)
- Québec (native)
- Rhode I. (native)
- Saskatchewan (native)
- South Carolina (native)
- Vermont (native)
- Virginia (native)
- West Virginia (native)
- Wisconsin (native)
Additional Images
Taken Jun 14, 2009 by EOL − David McAdoo (cc-by-nc)
Taken Jan 1, 1900 by EOL − Encyclopedia of Life (public)
Taken Jan 1, 1900 by EOL − Superior National Forest (cc-by)
Taken Jun 25, 2022 by Christian Calenge (cc-by-sa)
Taken Jan 16, 2021 by Georges Olioso (cc-by-sa)
Taken Jun 4, 2015 by EOL − alysonalyza (cc-by-nc)
Taken Jan 1, 1900 by EOL − WVU Herbarium (cc-by-nc-sa)
Taken Jan 1, 1900 by EOL − WVU Herbarium (cc-by-nc-sa)
Taken Mar 7, 2014 by EOL − Aarongunnar (cc-by-sa)
Taken Jan 1, 1900 by EOL − Superior National Forest (cc-by)
- WFO (No URL)
- GBIF (
- POWO (
- PlantNet ( bulbosa L.)
Growth habit>: Forb/herb