Categories: Asteraceae

German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla, Sp. Pl.: 891 (1753))

Family: Asteraceae

Author: L.

Bibliography: Sp. Pl.: 891 (1753)

Year: 1753

Status: accepted

Rank: species

Genus: Matricaria

Vegetable: False

Observations: Temp. Eurasia to Indo-China


German chamomile, scientifically known as Matricaria chamomilla, is a highly esteemed herb that has been celebrated for centuries for its multifaceted applications, particularly in traditional medicine and herbal remedies. The plant is categorized under the family Asteraceae, which is renowned for its diverse and therapeutically valuable species.

Native to temperate regions spanning Eurasia to Indo-China, German chamomile thrives in these areas’ distinct climatic conditions. Its adaptability to various temperate environments makes it a pervasive and robust species within this vast geographical coverage.

The historical reference to German chamomile can be traced back to the seminal botanical work “Species Plantarum,” authored by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. This pivotal publication underscored its importance in the botanical and medicinal communities of that era, solidifying its status as a crucial herbal asset.

German chamomile is particularly noted for its delicate, daisy-like blooms, which exude a subtle, yet distinct, apple-like fragrance. This aromatic quality is not merely for ornamental appreciation; it also signifies the presence of essential oils and active compounds that are central to the plant’s therapeutic properties. These beneficial compounds are primarily found in the flower heads, which are harvested and processed to produce teas, tinctures, and extracts widely used in herbal medicine.

Often utilized for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties, German chamomile tea is a popular remedy for alleviating stress, anxiety, and digestive issues. The plant’s extracts are also incorporated into skincare products for their soothing effects on irritated skin, making it a versatile ingredient in both health and beauty regimens.

In conclusion, German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) stands out not only for its enduring presence across vast regions but also for its significant contributions to traditional medicine and modern therapeutic practices. Its cultivation and utilization continue to be valued, ensuring that this humble yet potent herb remains integral to natural health solutions.

Common Names

Eng: crown mayweed, german chamomile, hungarian chamomile, scented mayweed, blue chamomile, chamomile, common chamomile, matricaria, scented chamomile, sweet false chamomile, true chamomile, wild chamomile, german mayweed, fragrant chamomile, sweet-false chamomile
Deu: echte kamille, kamille
Spa: manzanita comun, camomila, manzanilla
Dan: vellugtende kamille
Por: camomila, camomila-dos-alemães, camomila-vulgar
Fra: camomille allemande, camomille vraie, matricaire, matricaire camomille, petite camomille
Swe: kamomill, sötblomster, äkta kamomill
Nld: echte kamille
Sme: kamomilla, jámesbátni
Cym: amranwen, amranwen bêr, amranwen cyffredin, bronwen, ffenigl y cŵn, llysiau’r fam
En: German chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, Chamomile, Sweet false chamomile, Wild chamomile, True chamomile, Common chamomile, Matricaria, Scented chamomile, Scented mayweed, Blue chamomile, False chamomile, Crown mayweed, Lilici albâ, Camomile, German mayweed, Fragrant chamomile, Sweet-false chamomile, Sweet Chamomile
Sq: Kamomili
Ar: بابونج ألماني
Hy: Դեղատնային երիցուկ
Az: Aptek çobanyastığı
Ba: Шифалы ромашка
Eu: Kamamila
Be: Рамонак аптэчны
Bs: Kamilica
Ca: Camamilla, Camamilla d’Urgell, Camamilla forastera, Camamilla vera, Matricària
Zh: Mu ju, 德國洋甘菊
Hr: Kamilica
Cs: Heřmánek pravý
Da: Vellugtende kamil, Vellugtende kamille
Nl: Echte kamille
Eo: Kamomilo
Et: Teekummel
Fi: Kamomillasaunio
Fr: Camomille allemande, Camomille vraie, Matricaire, Matricaire camomille, Petite camomille, Camomille sauvage, Matricaire tronquée
Gl: Macela
Ka: Სამკურნალო გვირილა
De: Kamille, Echte Kamille
El: Ματρικάρια η περιτμημένη
Gn: Manzanilla
Hu: Kamilla, Orvosi székfű
Io: Kamomil
Id: Chamomile
It: Camomilla comune
Jv: Kamomil
Kk: Дәрілік түймедақ
Ky: Аптека же дары ромашкасы
Ko: Kamille, 저먼캐모마일
Lv: Ārstniecības kumelīte
Li: Maoter
Lt: Vaistinė ramunė
Lb: Kaméil
Mk: Камилица
Se: Kamomilla, Jámesbátni
No: Kamilleblom
Os: Æхсынкъмарæн
Ps: مروری
Fa: بابونه
Pl: Maruna, Rumianek pospolity, Rumianek pospolit
Pt: Camomila, Camomilha, Camomila-dos-alemães, Camomila-vulgar
Ro: Mușețel
Ru: Ромашка аптечная, Ромашка лекарственная, Ромашка ободранная
Sr: Камилица
Sk: Rumanček kamilkový
Es: Manzanilla, Camomila, Prava kamilica, Manzanita comun, Camamila, Magarza, Manzanilla alemana, Manzanilla común, Manzanilla de Aragón
Sv: Kamomill, Sötblomster, Äkta kamomill
Tr: Mayıs papatyası
Uk: Ромашка лікарська
Vi: Cúc La Mã
Cy: Amranwen bêr, Amranwen, Amranwen Cyffredin, Bronwen, Ffenigl y Cŵn, Llysiau’r Fam


  • Matricaria deflexa (Gilib.)
  • Chamomilla recutita var. bayeri ((Kanitz) Dostál)
  • Matricaria chamomilla f. courrantiana ((DC.) Fiori)
  • Matricaria coronata ((J.Gay ex Boiss.) W.D.J.Koch)
  • Matricaria chamomilla var. suaveolens (Wahlenb.)
  • Matricaria suaveolens f. macrocephala (Probst & Thell.)
  • Matricaria chamomilla var. courrantiana ((DC.) G.Nicholson)
  • Courrantia chamomilloides (Sch.Bip.)
  • Matricaria chamomilla subsp. courrantiana ((DC.) Nyman)
  • Chamaemelum chamomilla ((L.) E.H.L.Krause)
  • Matricaria recutita var. kochiana ((Sch.Bip.) Greuter)
  • Matricaria pusilla (Willd.)
  • Matricaria chamomilla var. tenuis (Iverus)
  • Matricaria tenuifolia f. nikolicii (Gajić)
  • Chamomilla courrantiana ((DC.) C.Koch)
  • Matricaria chamomilla var. pappulosa (Margot & Reut.)
  • Matricaria littoralis (Rouy)
  • Matricaria kochiana (Sch.Bip.)
  • Chamomilla chamomilla ((L.) Rydb.)
  • Matricaria chamomilla var. recutita ((L.) Fiori)
  • Camomilla deflexa (Gilib.)
  • Matricaria recutita f. kochiana ((Sch.Bip.) Fiori)
  • Chamomilla officinalis (K.Koch)
  • Matricaria exigua (Tuntas)
  • Camomilla patens (Gilib.)
  • Matricaria chamomilla f. suaveolens (Fiori)
  • Matricaria chamaemilla (Hill)
  • Matricaria chamomilla subsp. pusilla ((Willd.) Holmboe)
  • Chamomilla meridionalis (K.Koch)
  • Matricaria bayeri (Kanitz)
  • Chrysanthemum chamomilla ((L.) Bernh.)
  • Matricaria courrantiana (DC.)
  • Matricaria obliqua (Dulac)
  • Chamaemelum vulgare (Bubani)
  • Chamomilla vulgaris (Gray)
  • Matricaria recutita var. pappulosa ((Margot & Reut.) Feinbrun)
  • Matricaria recutita (L.)
  • Matricaria chamomilla var. coronata (Boiss.)
  • Chamaemelum suaveolens (E.H.L.Krause)
  • Chamomilla unilateralis (K.Koch)
  • Matricaria recutita var. coronata ((Boiss.) Fertig)
  • Matricaria chamomilla f. kochiana ((Sch.Bip.) Fiori)
  • Leucanthemum chamaemelum (Lam.)
  • Matricaria capitellata (Batt. & Pit.)
  • Chamomilla recutita ((L.) Rauschert)
  • Matricaria patens (Gilib.)
  • Matricaria pyrethroides (DC.)
  • Matricaria chamomilla var. pusilla ((Willd.) Fiori)


  • Afghanistan (native)
  • Albania (native)
  • Algeria (native)
  • Altay (native)
  • Austria (native)
  • Azores (native)
  • Belarus (native)
  • Belgium (native)
  • Bulgaria (native)
  • Buryatiya (native)
  • Canary Is. (native)
  • Central European Rus (native)
  • China North-Central (native)
  • China South-Central (native)
  • China Southeast (native)
  • Cyprus (native)
  • Czechoslovakia (native)
  • Denmark (native)
  • East Aegean Is. (native)
  • East European Russia (native)
  • Egypt (native)
  • Finland (native)
  • France (native)
  • Germany (native)
  • Greece (native)
  • Hungary (native)
  • India (native)
  • Iran (native)
  • Iraq (native)
  • Irkutsk (native)
  • Italy (native)
  • Kazakhstan (native)
  • Kirgizstan (native)
  • Korea (native)
  • Krasnoyarsk (native)
  • Kriti (native)
  • Krym (native)
  • Lebanon-Syria (native)
  • Manchuria (native)
  • Mongolia (native)
  • Morocco (native)
  • Myanmar (native)
  • Netherlands (native)
  • North Caucasus (native)
  • Northwest European R (native)
  • Norway (native)
  • Pakistan (native)
  • Palestine (native)
  • Portugal (native)
  • Romania (native)
  • Sardegna (native)
  • Sicilia (native)
  • Sinai (native)
  • South European Russi (native)
  • Spain (native)
  • Sweden (native)
  • Switzerland (native)
  • Tadzhikistan (native)
  • Transcaucasus (native)
  • Turkey (native)
  • Turkey-in-Europe (native)
  • Tuva (native)
  • Ukraine (native)
  • Uzbekistan (native)
  • Vietnam (native)
  • West Himalaya (native)
  • West Siberia (native)
  • Xinjiang (native)
  • Yakutskiya (native)
  • Yugoslavia (native)
  • Alabama (introduced)
  • Alberta (introduced)
  • Arizona (introduced)
  • Arkansas (introduced)
  • Baleares (introduced)
  • Baltic States (introduced)
  • Bolivia (introduced)
  • British Columbia (introduced)
  • California (introduced)
  • Colombia (introduced)
  • Connecticut (introduced)
  • Corse (introduced)
  • Costa Rica (introduced)
  • Cuba (introduced)
  • District of Columbia (introduced)
  • Dominican Republic (introduced)
  • Ecuador (introduced)
  • El Salvador (introduced)
  • Ethiopia (introduced)
  • Great Britain (introduced)
  • Greenland (introduced)
  • Guatemala (introduced)
  • Gulf States (introduced)
  • Honduras (introduced)
  • Illinois (introduced)
  • Indiana (introduced)
  • Iowa (introduced)
  • Ireland (introduced)
  • Jawa (introduced)
  • Juan Fernández Is. (introduced)
  • Kansas (introduced)
  • Kentucky (introduced)
  • Magadan (introduced)
  • Maine (introduced)
  • Mali (introduced)
  • Manitoba (introduced)
  • Maryland (introduced)
  • Masachusettes (introduced)
  • Mexico Southeast (introduced)
  • Michigan (introduced)
  • Minnesota (introduced)
  • Mississippi (introduced)
  • Missouri (introduced)
  • New Jersey (introduced)
  • New South Wales (introduced)
  • New York (introduced)
  • Newfoundland (introduced)
  • Nicaragua (introduced)
  • North Dakota (introduced)
  • North European Russi (introduced)
  • Nova Scotia (introduced)
  • Ohio (introduced)
  • Ontario (introduced)
  • Oregon (introduced)
  • Paraguay (introduced)
  • Pennsylvania (introduced)
  • Peru (introduced)
  • Poland (introduced)
  • Primorye (introduced)
  • Québec (introduced)
  • Rhode I. (introduced)
  • Saskatchewan (introduced)
  • South Australia (introduced)
  • Tennessee (introduced)
  • Texas (introduced)
  • Tunisia (introduced)
  • Uruguay (introduced)
  • Utah (introduced)
  • Vermont (introduced)
  • Virginia (introduced)
  • Washington (introduced)
  • Wisconsin (introduced)

Additional Images


Taken Dec 2, 2019 by j B (cc-by-sa)

Taken Sep 30, 2019 by Kerstin Kerstin (cc-by-sa)

Taken Dec 2, 2019 by j B (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 10, 2018 by Victoria Cabaleiro (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 6, 2021 by PapyDan (cc-by-sa)


Taken Jun 1, 2017 by Roberto Dessì (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 21, 2017 by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)

Taken Apr 16, 2017 by Creu Lopez (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 6, 2021 by PapyDan (cc-by-sa)

Taken May 31, 2020 by sarah legrand (cc-by-sa)

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.


Taken Jul 25, 2020 by Gilles Luciani (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 21, 2019 by nhfc (cc-by-sa)

Taken Oct 26, 2021 by beurny (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 26, 2019 by pa callex (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 13, 2020 by antoine abarnou (cc-by-sa)


Taken Dec 25, 2021 by Leny Mercier (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 11, 2019 by Nelly Garnier (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 15, 2004 by Photoflora – Jean-Luc TASSET (©)

Taken Jul 18, 2022 by Johann Bucher (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 21, 2017 by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 19, 2021 by Johan Van de Walle (cc-by-sa)


Taken Jan 1, 1800 by Tela Botanica − Daniel MATHIEU (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 16, 2021 by Trap Hers (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 3, 2019 by Archanaa Mignet (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 21, 2019 by Jim Kean (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 11, 2019 by Enno Huttenga (cc-by-sa)


Taken May 28, 2021 by Sabin Poenariu (cc-by-sa)

Taken Sep 17, 2021 by Michael Backes (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 11, 2022 by Joseph Moulaison (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 15, 2019 by ludovic riche (cc-by-sa)

Taken Oct 26, 2021 by glen schler (cc-by-sa)

Taken May 31, 2022 by Gaël Covain (cc-by-sa)

Taken May 26, 2019 by Kris Galle (cc-by-sa)


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  • PlantNet ( chamomilla L.)



Ph maximum: 5.5

Ph minimum: 5.0

Light: 7

Atmospheric humidity: 5

Soil nutriments: 6


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