Categories: Plantaginaceae

Heath speedwell (Veronica officinalis, Sp. Pl.: 11 (1753))

Family: Plantaginaceae

Author: L.

Bibliography: Sp. Pl.: 11 (1753)

Year: 1753

Status: accepted

Rank: species

Genus: Veronica

Vegetable: False

Observations: Macaronesia, Europe to W. Siberia and N. Iran


Heath speedwell, known scientifically as Veronica officinalis, is a notable plant species belonging to the Plantaginaceae family. This herbaceous perennial has a significant distribution range encompassing the diverse regions of Macaronesia, extending across Europe, reaching the western expanses of Siberia, and stretching down to northern Iran.

First described in the seminal work Species Plantarum in 1753 by the renowned botanist Carl Linnaeus (indicated by the author abbreviation ‘L.’), Heath speedwell is often found thriving in heathlands, meadows, and open woodlands. It is particularly valued for its resilience and the role it plays in local ecosystems.

The plant is characterized by its low-growing stature, typically reaching heights of 10-30 cm, with sprawling stems that root at the nodes, enabling it to form a lush, ground-covering mat. Its leaves are ovate to oblong, with serrated margins, and exhibit a subtly hairy texture. The flowering period of Veronica officinalis spans from early summer to early autumn, during which it produces small, delicate flowers, typically blue but occasionally lilac or white, each with four petals arranged in a distinct cross pattern.

Historically, Heath speedwell has been utilized in traditional herbal medicine. Its dried leaves were once used to brew a tea believed to aid in various ailments, such as respiratory issues and gastrointestinal discomfort. Additionally, the plant has been employed as a diuretic and for its purported anti-inflammatory properties.

The ecological importance of Veronica officinalis cannot be overstated. It provides vital nectar and pollen for various pollinators, including bees and butterflies, thus playing a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity. Furthermore, due to its ground-covering growth habit, it helps prevent soil erosion and maintains soil health.

In conclusion, Heath speedwell (Veronica officinalis) is a widespread and ecologically significant species that has been recognized and utilized for its medicinal properties for centuries. It continues to be a cherished component of natural landscapes across its range, contributing to both biodiversity and the health of various ecosystems.

Common Names

Eng: common gypsyweed, common speedwell, gypsyweed, heath speedwell, speedwell, upland speedwell
Deu: echter ehrenpreis, wald-ehrenpreis
Dan: læge-ærenpris
Nor: bu-sleik, flesme-græs, ærenpriis
Nob: legeveronika
Nno: lækjeveronika, legeveronika
Nld: mannetjesereprijs
Swe: rohtotädyke, ärenpris, ärepris
Fin: rohtotädyke
Fra: véronique officinale, herbe aux ladres, thé d’europe, véronique mâle
Sme: dálkkasteadjarássi
Cym: feronica cyffredin, gwrnerth, leuawdd, leudawdd, leutawd, leutawdd, llys llewelyn, rhwyddlwyn cyffredin, rhwyddlwyn meddygol, rhwyddlwyni meddygol
En: Heath speedwell, Gypsyweed, Common speedwell, Speedwell, Upland speedwell, Common gypsyweed, Health Speedwell
Ar: زهرة الحواشي المخزنية
Hy: Բերենիկե դեղագործական, Եվրոպական թեյ, Հազի ծաղիկ
Az: Dərman bulaqotu
Ba: Шифалы юшан
Be: Крынічнік лекавы
Bg: Вероника, Великденче
Ca: Herba dels leprosos, Te de muntanya, Te del país, Verònica oficinal
Kw: Leslesa
Cs: Rozrazil lékařský
Da: Læge-Ærenpris
Nl: Mannetjesereprijs
Et: Harilik mailane
Fi: Rohtotädyke
Fr: Véronique officinale, Herbe aux ladres, Thé d’Europe, Véronique mâle, Véronique vraie
De: Echter Ehrenpreis, Wald-Ehrenpreis, Gebräuchlicher Ehrenpreis, Schild-Ehrenpreis
Hu: Orvosi veronika
Is: Hárdepla
Ga: Lus cré
It: The svizzero, Veronica medicinale, Tè svizzero
Lv: Zemteka
Lt: Vaistinė veronika
Mk: Модричица
Se: Dálkkasteadjarássi
No: Legeveronika, Lækjeveronika, Bu-sleik, Flesme-græs, Ærenpriis
Nb: Legeveronika
Nn: Lækjeveronika, Legeveronika
Fa: ورونیکا آفیسینالیس
Pl: Przetacznik lekarski, Przetacznik leśny
Pt: Carvalhinha, Chá-da-europa, Rua-dos-leprosos, Verónica-da-alemanha, Verónica-das-boticas, Verónica-das-farmácias, Verónica-macho
Pt-br: Verônica-da-mata
Ro: Ventrilică
Ru: Вероника лекарственная
Sr: ”мачје очи”, Вероника, Персијска честославица, Права вероника, Разгон, Трава од ушљаме, Храст-честославица, Честославица, Шумска вероника
Sk: Veronika lekárska
Es: Hierba de la triaca, Hierba morga, Malarranca, Plumilla, Te de España, Te de Europa, Te de ribera, Triaca, Tríaca, Té de Europa, Verónica común, Verónica macho, Verónica oficinal, Verónica, Vinagra
Sv: Ärenpris, Ärepris, Rohtotädyke
Tt: Дару яушаны
Tr: Çıban otu
Uk: Вероніка лікарська
Cy: Rhwyddlwyn meddygol, Feronica Cyffredin, Gwrnerth, Leuawdd, Leudawdd, Leutawd, Leutawdd, Llys Llewelyn, Rhwyddlwyn Cyffredin, Rhwyddlwyni Meddygol


  • Veronica tournefortii ((Vill.) F.W.Schmidt)
  • Veronica depressa (Schur)
  • Veronica officinalis var. nitidula (Klett & Richt.)
  • Veronica lanceolata (Opiz)
  • Veronica officinalis var. tournefortii ((Vill.) Dumort.)
  • Veronica carquejana (Samp.)
  • Veronica officinalis var. minor (Gren.)
  • Veronica officinalis var. silvestris (Wallr.)
  • Veronica officinalis var. submontana (C.G.Westerl.)
  • Veronica allionii var. tournefortii (Vill.)
  • Veronica vulgaris (Opiz)
  • Veronica subarctica (Schur)
  • Veronica mas (Garsault)
  • Veronica officinalis var. allionii (Mert. & W.D.J.Koch)
  • Veronica allionii (F.W.Schmidt)
  • Veronica officinalis var. subarctica (Schur)
  • Veronica officinalis var. major (Sennen)
  • Veronica officinalis var. glabrescens (Bolle)
  • Veronica spadana (Lej.)
  • Veronica officinalis var. caespitosa (Wallr.)
  • Veronica officinalis var. carquejana ((Samp.) Cout.)
  • Veronica officinalis var. multicaulis (Wallr.)
  • Veronica officinalis f. monstrosa (Svanlund)
  • Veronica officinalis var. sylvestris (Wallr.)
  • Veronica setigera (D.Don)
  • Veronica hirsuta (Hopkirk)
  • Veronica muelleriana (Vest)
  • Veronica vadiniensis (R.Alonso, Lence, López Pach., Puente & Penas)
  • Veronica officinalis var. spadana ((Lej.) Dumort.)
  • Veronica dryadis (Schur)
  • Veronica officinarum (Crantz)
  • Veronica guentheri (Opiz)
  • Veronica officinalis f. albiflora ((G.Don) House)


  • Albania (native)
  • Altay (native)
  • Austria (native)
  • Azores (native)
  • Baltic States (native)
  • Belarus (native)
  • Belgium (native)
  • Bulgaria (native)
  • Central European Rus (native)
  • Corse (native)
  • Czechoslovakia (native)
  • Denmark (native)
  • East European Russia (native)
  • Finland (native)
  • France (native)
  • Føroyar (native)
  • Germany (native)
  • Great Britain (native)
  • Greece (native)
  • Hungary (native)
  • Iceland (native)
  • Iran (native)
  • Ireland (native)
  • Italy (native)
  • Krasnoyarsk (native)
  • Krym (native)
  • Madeira (native)
  • Netherlands (native)
  • North Caucasus (native)
  • North European Russi (native)
  • Northwest European R (native)
  • Norway (native)
  • Poland (native)
  • Portugal (native)
  • Romania (native)
  • Sardegna (native)
  • Sicilia (native)
  • South European Russi (native)
  • Spain (native)
  • Sweden (native)
  • Switzerland (native)
  • Transcaucasus (native)
  • Turkey (native)
  • Turkey-in-Europe (native)
  • Turkmenistan (native)
  • Ukraine (native)
  • West Siberia (native)
  • Yugoslavia (native)
  • British Columbia (introduced)
  • Buryatiya (introduced)
  • California (introduced)
  • Cape Provinces (introduced)
  • Chile Central (introduced)
  • Chile South (introduced)
  • Connecticut (introduced)
  • Delaware (introduced)
  • District of Columbia (introduced)
  • Georgia (introduced)
  • Greenland (introduced)
  • Idaho (introduced)
  • Illinois (introduced)
  • Indiana (introduced)
  • Iowa (introduced)
  • Kansas (introduced)
  • Kentucky (introduced)
  • Maine (introduced)
  • Maryland (introduced)
  • Masachusettes (introduced)
  • Michigan (introduced)
  • Minnesota (introduced)
  • Montana (introduced)
  • New Brunswick (introduced)
  • New Hampshire (introduced)
  • New Jersey (introduced)
  • New York (introduced)
  • Newfoundland (introduced)
  • North Carolina (introduced)
  • North Dakota (introduced)
  • Nova Scotia (introduced)
  • Ohio (introduced)
  • Ontario (introduced)
  • Oregon (introduced)
  • Pennsylvania (introduced)
  • Prince Edward I. (introduced)
  • Québec (introduced)
  • Rhode I. (introduced)
  • Sakhalin (introduced)
  • South Carolina (introduced)
  • South Dakota (introduced)
  • St.Helena (introduced)
  • Tennessee (introduced)
  • Vermont (introduced)
  • Virginia (introduced)
  • Washington (introduced)
  • West Virginia (introduced)
  • Wisconsin (introduced)
  • Wyoming (introduced)

Additional Images


Taken Jul 11, 2021 by Manuëlle (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 19, 2019 by Martin Kaspers (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 19, 2021 by Darren Giddins (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 28, 2020 by Llandrich anna (cc-by-sa)

Taken May 28, 2021 by Verica Markovic (cc-by-sa)


Taken Mar 22, 2022 by barbara regnault (cc-by-sa)

Taken May 29, 2022 by Giovanni Vannacci (cc-by-sa)

Taken Nov 13, 2019 by Nicola Meidlinger (cc-by-sa)

Taken Oct 5, 2021 by Crispín Pérez (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 28, 2020 by Llandrich anna (cc-by-sa)


Taken Dec 21, 2016 by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)

Taken Dec 6, 2019 by Colette Dorion (cc-by-sa)

Taken Dec 6, 2019 by Colette Dorion (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 28, 2020 by Llandrich anna (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 28, 2020 by Llandrich anna (cc-by-sa)


Taken Dec 28, 2016 by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 11, 2021 by Manuëlle (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 3, 2021 by Frozy

Taken Dec 28, 2016 by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)

Taken Oct 11, 2017 by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)


Taken Jun 13, 2018 by Sébastien Gasser (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 6, 2020 by Martin Poljak (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 8, 2019 by Martin Poljak (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 3, 2021 by Bénédicte OUDART (cc-by-sa)

Taken Dec 26, 2020 by George Annette (cc-by-sa)


Taken Dec 26, 2013 by Tela Botanica − Emmanuel STRATMAINS (cc-by-sa)

Taken Dec 26, 2013 by Tela Botanica − Emmanuel STRATMAINS (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 20, 2014 by Tela Botanica − Benoit FOUCHER (cc-by-sa)

Taken May 31, 1852 by Tela Botanica − Herbier PONTARLIER-MARICHAL (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 6, 2021 by Moshira Hassan (cc-by-sa)

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.


  • WFO (No URL)
  • IPNI (No URL)
  • POWO (
  • GBIF (
  • PlantNet ( officinalis L.)


Growth habit: Forb/herb


Ph maximum: 5.0

Ph minimum: 4.5

Light: 5

Atmospheric humidity: 5

Bloom months: [‘may’, ‘jun’, ‘jul’]

Soil nutriments: 3


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