Categories: Asteraceae

Absinthe (Artemisia absinthium, Sp. Pl.: 848 (1753))

Family: Asteraceae

Author: L.

Bibliography: Sp. Pl.: 848 (1753)

Year: 1753

Status: accepted

Rank: species

Genus: Artemisia

Vegetable: Unknown

Observations: Europe to Siberia and W. Himalaya


Absinthe, scientifically known as Artemisia absinthium, is a distinguished perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. First documented with the name by the renowned botanist Carl Linnaeus in his seminal work “Species Plantarum” in 1753, this plant carries a rich botanical heritage.

Native to a wide geographical range extending from Europe through Siberia to the Western Himalayas, Absinthe thrives in diverse climatic conditions. It is known for its striking silvery-green leaves and aromatic properties, which have captivated human use and interest throughout history.

Typically found in dry, uncultivated ground, sunny slopes, and along roadsides, Absinthe has adapted well to varied environments. The plant’s resilience and adaptability enable it to flourish across a broad spectrum of landscapes.

The historical uses of Absinthe are as varied as its habitats, with a notable role in traditional medicine. It has also been famously utilized for the preparation of the spirit absinthe, which has both its share of admirers and controversies due to its potent psychoactive effects.

In addition to its famed association with absinthe liquor, Artemisia absinthium has been employed for its potential therapeutic benefits, including digestive aid and anti-inflammatory properties. Its essential oils are rich in compounds that are now a subject of numerous modern pharmacological studies.

Absinthe remains a plant of great interest not only to botanists and horticulturists but also to cultural historians and pharmacologists, thereby cementing its place as a multifaceted and valuable species in the plant kingdom.

Common Names

Deu: absinth, wermut, echter wermut
Eng: absinth sagewort, absinth wormwood, absinthe, absinthe wormwood, absinthium, common sagewort, common wormwood, common-wormwood, wormwood, absinthe sagewort
Fra: absinthe, armoise absinthe, armoise amère
Spa: ajenjo, absintio
Mlt: assenzju
Dan: gærde-snerle, have-snerle, have-malurt, havemalurt, snerle-pileurt
Fin: karhunköynnös, kehtokarhunköynnös, kiertotatar, koiruoho, mali
Swe: rosenvinda, skär snårvinda, stärnrams, koiruoho, mali, malört, åkervinda
Nor: strandvindel, vindeslirekne
Nld: absintalsem
Por: absinto, acinto, alenjo, aluína, alvina, alvínia, artemísia, erva-de-santa-margarida, erva-dos-velhos, erva-santa, losma, losna, losna-maior, sintro
Nob: malurt
Nno: malurt
Ces: pelyněk pravý
Lav: vērmele
Sme: málurttas
Cym: canwraidd lwyd, chwermwd
En: Absinthe, Absinthe wormwood, Absinthium, Wormwood, Absinth wormwood, ABSINTH SAGEWORT, COMMON SAGEWORT, Absinthe sagewort, Common wormwood, Common-wormwood, Lad’s love, Old man, Insipid absinth, Old woman, Oldman wormwood, Wormwood [plant]
Af: Gewone als
Ar: شيح ابن سينا, شيح, Shih, شِيح
Hy: Դառը օշինդր
Az: Acı yovşan
Ba: Әрем
Eu: Asentsio
Be: Палын горкі
Bs: Pelin
Br: Huelenn-c’hwerv
Bg: Обикновен пелин
Ca: Absenta, Donzell mascle
Zh: Ou zhou ai, 中亚苦蒿
Cv: Шурă эрĕм
Co: Assensiu
Hr: Pelin
Cs: Pelyněk pravý
Da: Have-Malurt, Gærde-Snerle, Have-Snerle, Havemalurt, Snerle-Pileurt
Nl: Absintalsem, Absint, Absint-Alsem
Eo: Absinto
Et: Koirohi
Fi: Mali, Karhunköynnös, Kehtokarhunköynnös, Kiertotatar, Koiruoho, mali
Fr: Armoise absinthe, Armoise amère, Absinthe, Absinthe commune, Aluine, Herbe aux vers, Herbe sainte, Armoise commune, Herbe de feu, Genépi
Gl: Absintio
Ka: Მწარე აბზინდა
De: Absinth, Wermut, Echter Wermut, Alsem, Wurmkraut
El: Αρτεμισία το αψίνθιον
Gn: Ajenjo
Hu: Fehér üröm
Is: Malurt
Io: Absinto
Ga: Mormónta
It: Assenzio vero, Assenzio romano, Assenzio, Assenzio (vero)
Ja: Nigayomogi
Kk: Ащы жусан
Ky: Эрменшыбак
Ko: 향쑥
Lv: Vērmele
Li: Aels
Lt: Pelynas
Lb: Absinth
Mk: Пелин
Mt: Assenzju
Mn: Агь
Se: Málurttas
No: Malurt, Strandvindel, Vindeslirekne
Nb: Malurt
Nn: Malurt
Oc: Absinta, Aissent, Aussent, Candèla de Sant Joan
Os: Ризæджы хос
Ps: مستياره
Fa: افسنطین
Pl: Piołun, Bylica piołun
Pt: Absinto, Losna, Acinto, Alenjo, Aluína, Alvina, Alvínia, Artemísia, Erva-de-santa-margarida, Erva-dos-velhos, Erva-santa, Losma, Losna-maior, Sintro
Ro: Pelin
Ru: Polyn gor’kaja, Полынь горькая
Sr: Пелен
Sk: Palina pravá
Es: Absintio, Ajenjo, Pravi pelin, Alosna, Asenjo
Sv: Malört, Rosenvinda, Skär snårvinda, Stärnrams, Koiruoho, mali, Åkervinda, Äkta malört
Zh-tw: 苦艾
Tg: Афсантин
Ta: கண்ணி
Tr: Pelin otu
Uk: Полин гіркий
Uz: Ermon
Wa: Foirt
Cy: Wermod Lwyd, Canwraidd Lwyd, Chwermwd, Chwerwddwr, Chwerwlys, Chwerwlys Cyffredin, Chwerwyn, Chwerwyn Llwyd, Gannwreid, Llwydyr Eithin, Meddygon Menyw, Wermod, Y Wermod Lwyd


  • Artemisia albida (Willd. ex Ledeb.)
  • Artemisia inodora (Mill.)
  • Absinthium vulgare (Lam.)
  • Artemisia doonense (Royle)
  • Absinthium bipedale (Gilib.)
  • Artemisia kulbadica (Boiss. & Buhse)
  • Absinthium majus (Garsault)
  • Artemisia pendula (Salisb.)
  • Artemisia absinthia (St.-Lag.)
  • Artemisia rhaetica (Brügger)
  • Artemisia absinthium f. argentea ((Aspegren ex Svanlund) Neuman)
  • Artemisia absinthium var. argentea (Aspegren ex Svanlund)
  • Artemisia rehan (Chiov.)
  • Artemisia arborescens var. cupaniana (Chiov.)
  • Artemisia arborescens f. rehan ((Chiov.) Chiov.)
  • Artemisia baldaccii (Degen)
  • Artemisia absinthium var. insipida (Stechm.)
  • Absinthium officinale (Brot.)


  • Afghanistan (native)
  • Albania (native)
  • Algeria (native)
  • Altay (native)
  • Austria (native)
  • Baltic States (native)
  • Belarus (native)
  • Belgium (native)
  • Bulgaria (native)
  • Buryatiya (native)
  • Central European Rus (native)
  • China Southeast (native)
  • Czechoslovakia (native)
  • Denmark (native)
  • East European Russia (native)
  • Egypt (native)
  • France (native)
  • Germany (native)
  • Greece (native)
  • Hungary (native)
  • Iceland (native)
  • Iran (native)
  • Iraq (native)
  • Irkutsk (native)
  • Italy (native)
  • Kazakhstan (native)
  • Kirgizstan (native)
  • Krasnoyarsk (native)
  • Kriti (native)
  • Krym (native)
  • Lebanon-Syria (native)
  • Libya (native)
  • Morocco (native)
  • Netherlands (native)
  • North Caucasus (native)
  • North European Russi (native)
  • Northwest European R (native)
  • Pakistan (native)
  • Poland (native)
  • Portugal (native)
  • Romania (native)
  • South European Russi (native)
  • Spain (native)
  • Sweden (native)
  • Switzerland (native)
  • Tadzhikistan (native)
  • Transcaucasus (native)
  • Tunisia (native)
  • Turkey (native)
  • Turkey-in-Europe (native)
  • Turkmenistan (native)
  • Ukraine (native)
  • Uzbekistan (native)
  • West Himalaya (native)
  • West Siberia (native)
  • Western Sahara (native)
  • Yugoslavia (native)
  • Alberta (introduced)
  • Argentina Northeast (introduced)
  • Argentina Northwest (introduced)
  • Argentina South (introduced)
  • Azores (introduced)
  • Bolivia (introduced)
  • Borneo (introduced)
  • Brazil North (introduced)
  • Brazil Northeast (introduced)
  • Brazil South (introduced)
  • Brazil Southeast (introduced)
  • Brazil West-Central (introduced)
  • British Columbia (introduced)
  • California (introduced)
  • Cambodia (introduced)
  • Chatham Is. (introduced)
  • Chile Central (introduced)
  • Chile North (introduced)
  • Chile South (introduced)
  • China North-Central (introduced)
  • China South-Central (introduced)
  • Colombia (introduced)
  • Colorado (introduced)
  • Connecticut (introduced)
  • Corse (introduced)
  • Cuba (introduced)
  • Delaware (introduced)
  • District of Columbia (introduced)
  • Dominican Republic (introduced)
  • Ecuador (introduced)
  • Eritrea (introduced)
  • Ethiopia (introduced)
  • Finland (introduced)
  • Great Britain (introduced)
  • Greenland (introduced)
  • Guatemala (introduced)
  • Hainan (introduced)
  • Haiti (introduced)
  • Honduras (introduced)
  • Idaho (introduced)
  • Illinois (introduced)
  • India (introduced)
  • Indiana (introduced)
  • Inner Mongolia (introduced)
  • Iowa (introduced)
  • Ireland (introduced)
  • Japan (introduced)
  • Jawa (introduced)
  • Juan Fernández Is. (introduced)
  • Kansas (introduced)
  • Leeward Is. (introduced)
  • Lesser Sunda Is. (introduced)
  • Maine (introduced)
  • Manitoba (introduced)
  • Maryland (introduced)
  • Masachusettes (introduced)
  • Mexico Central (introduced)
  • Mexico Gulf (introduced)
  • Mexico Northeast (introduced)
  • Mexico Northwest (introduced)
  • Mexico Southeast (introduced)
  • Mexico Southwest (introduced)
  • Michigan (introduced)
  • Minnesota (introduced)
  • Missouri (introduced)
  • Montana (introduced)
  • Myanmar (introduced)
  • Nebraska (introduced)
  • New Brunswick (introduced)
  • New Hampshire (introduced)
  • New Jersey (introduced)
  • New South Wales (introduced)
  • New York (introduced)
  • New Zealand North (introduced)
  • New Zealand South (introduced)
  • Newfoundland (introduced)
  • North Carolina (introduced)
  • North Dakota (introduced)
  • Northern Territory (introduced)
  • Norway (introduced)
  • Nova Scotia (introduced)
  • Ohio (introduced)
  • Ontario (introduced)
  • Oregon (introduced)
  • Paraguay (introduced)
  • Pennsylvania (introduced)
  • Peru (introduced)
  • Philippines (introduced)
  • Prince Edward I. (introduced)
  • Puerto Rico (introduced)
  • Qinghai (introduced)
  • Queensland (introduced)
  • Québec (introduced)
  • Rhode I. (introduced)
  • Sardegna (introduced)
  • Saskatchewan (introduced)
  • South Australia (introduced)
  • South Carolina (introduced)
  • South Dakota (introduced)
  • Sulawesi (introduced)
  • Sumatera (introduced)
  • Taiwan (introduced)
  • Tasmania (introduced)
  • Tennessee (introduced)
  • Thailand (introduced)
  • Tibet (introduced)
  • Uruguay (introduced)
  • Utah (introduced)
  • Vermont (introduced)
  • Victoria (introduced)
  • Vietnam (introduced)
  • Washington (introduced)
  • West Virginia (introduced)
  • Western Australia (introduced)
  • Wisconsin (introduced)
  • Wyoming (introduced)
  • Xinjiang (introduced)

Additional Images

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.


Taken Jul 29, 2018 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 29, 2018 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 29, 2018 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 14, 2017 by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 29, 2018 by Manu Pacha (cc-by-sa)


Taken Aug 14, 2017 by Cruz Fer (cc-by-sa)

Taken Oct 13, 2017 by 1 (cc-by-sa)

Taken Oct 16, 2017 by 1 (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 26, 2018 by 1 (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jun 26, 2018 by 1 (cc-by-sa)


Taken Jan 26, 2022 by Fabrice Rubio (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jan 4, 2022 by Fabrice Rubio (cc-by-sa)

Taken Feb 13, 2022 by Lars Mannzen (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 3, 2019 by Varrey Daniel (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 7, 2021 by Llandrich anna (cc-by-sa)


Taken Dec 8, 2021 by Kudala kiranmayee Kiran (cc-by-sa)

Taken Sep 23, 2021 by Pierre LEON (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jan 1, 1800 by Tela Botanica − Thierry Pernot (cc-by-sa)

Taken Feb 13, 2022 by Lars Mannzen (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 7, 2021 by Llandrich anna (cc-by-sa)


Taken Sep 24, 2019 by Milflores Milhojas (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jan 1, 1800 by Tela Botanica − Daniel MATHIEU (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 13, 2020 by Medesima Me (cc-by-sa)

Taken Sep 27, 2021 by Camille Maravat (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jul 14, 2021 by Manū (cc-by-sa)


Taken Sep 23, 2021 by Pierre LEON (cc-by-sa)

Taken Aug 17, 2022 by Nathalie Potel (cc-by-sa)

Taken Nov 20, 2021 by geneve perma (cc-by-sa)

Taken Oct 25, 2019 by nicolas pecqueux (cc-by-sa)

Taken Jan 26, 2022 by Fabrice Rubio (cc-by-sa)


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  • PlantNet ( absinthium L.)




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