Family: Polygonaceae
Author: (Borbás) Murb.
Bibliography: Bot. Not. 1899: 16 (1899)
Year: 1899
Status: accepted
Rank: species
Genus: Rumex
Vegetable: False
Observations: N. & EC. Europe to Russian Far East and N. China
Field dock, known scientifically as Rumex pseudonatronatus, is a perennial plant that belongs to the family Polygonaceae. Originally described in Botaniska Notiser in the year 1899, the plant was later classified by the botanist Svante Murbeck, who attributed the species name in honor of the Hungarian botanist, Borbás.
Field dock is predominantly found across Northern and East-Central Europe, extending its range to the far reaches of the Russian Far East and Northern China. This widespread geographical distribution underscores the plant’s adaptability to various climatic and soil conditions prevalent in these regions.
Characteristically, Field dock thrives in moist habitats such as riverbanks, wetlands, and marshes. Its resilience allows it to colonize disturbed sites, often becoming a prominent feature in agricultural fields, gardens, and roadsides, where it can grow amidst other vegetation.
The plant typically exhibits a rosette of broad, green leaves that taper to a point. As summer progresses, it produces slender flower spikes adorned with clusters of small, greenish flowers. These eventually give way to brown, winged fruits that are dispersed by wind or water.
Given its robust nature and propensity to spread, Field dock is sometimes considered a weedy species, particularly in managed landscapes and agricultural zones. However, it also plays a role in the ecosystem by providing habitat and food sources for various insects and wildlife.
The significance of Field dock extends beyond its ecological role; in traditional practices, parts of the plant have been utilized in herbal remedies, although such uses should be approached with caution and preferably under professional guidance.
In summary, Rumex pseudonatronatus, or Field dock, is a notable member of the Polygonaceae family. Its extensive habitat range from Northern Europe to Northern China, combined with its ecological and potential medicinal roles, makes it a fascinating species worthy of further study and appreciation.
Common Names
Eng: field dock, finnish dock
Fra: patience de finlande, rumex de finlande
En: Field dock, Finnish dock
Fr: Patience de Finlande, Rumex de Finlande
- Rumex fennicus ((Murb.) Murb.)
- Rumex pseudonatronatus subsp. fennicus (Murb.)
- Rumex domesticus var. pseudonatronatus (Borbás)
- Altay (native)
- Amur (native)
- Austria (native)
- Baltic States (native)
- Belarus (native)
- Buryatiya (native)
- Central European Rus (native)
- China North-Central (native)
- Chita (native)
- East European Russia (native)
- Finland (native)
- Hungary (native)
- Irkutsk (native)
- Kazakhstan (native)
- Khabarovsk (native)
- Kirgizstan (native)
- Krasnoyarsk (native)
- Manchuria (native)
- Mongolia (native)
- Northwest European R (native)
- Primorye (native)
- Qinghai (native)
- Romania (native)
- Sakhalin (native)
- South European Russi (native)
- Sweden (native)
- Tuva (native)
- Ukraine (native)
- West Siberia (native)
- Xinjiang (native)
- Yakutskiya (native)
- Alberta (introduced)
- British Columbia (introduced)
- Great Britain (introduced)
- Manitoba (introduced)
- Minnesota (introduced)
- North Dakota (introduced)
- Ontario (introduced)
- Saskatchewan (introduced)
- South Dakota (introduced)
- Yukon (introduced)
Additional Images
Taken Jul 23, 2021 by Юрий Басов (cc-by-sa)
Taken Jul 23, 2021 by Юрий Басов (cc-by-sa)
Taken Jul 23, 2021 by Юрий Басов (cc-by-sa)
Taken Jul 20, 2022 by Rafał Polański (cc-by-sa)
- WFO (No URL)
- GBIF (
- POWO (
- PlantNet ( pseudonatronatus (Borbás) Murb.)
Growth habit>: Forb/herb