Family: Poaceae
Author: (Schrad.) Kuntze
Bibliography: T.E.von Post & C.E.O.Kuntze, Lex. Gen. Phan.: 599 (1904)
Year: 1904
Status: accepted
Rank: species
Genus: Zea
Vegetable: False
Observations: Mexico (Chihuahua to N. Oaxaca)
The Mexican teosinte, scientifically referred to as Zea mexicana, is a fascinating species within the Poaceae family. This particular grass is predominantly found in Mexico, extending from the northern state of Chihuahua down to the central area of Northern Oaxaca. Its historical and botanical significance is underscored by its documentation in the early 20th century by notable botanists such as T.E. von Post and C.E.O. Kuntze.
Mexican teosinte is notable for its vital role in the evolutionary history of maize, as it is believed to be one of the wild ancestors of modern corn. Its sturdy structure and ability to thrive in diverse climatic conditions have allowed it to persist through centuries, maintaining a nuanced balance in Mexico’s diverse ecosystems.
Although it might bear a resemblance to maize, Mexican teosinte distinguishes itself with its unique botanical traits. The plant displays an intricate array of slender green leaves and boasts a robust stalk that supports its relatively smaller ear structure. This ear is composed of fewer rows of kernels compared to domesticated corn.
Botanists and researchers have long been interested in Mexican teosinte due to its genetic diversity and adaptability. These characteristics make it a critical subject in studies focusing on plant genetics, evolutionary biology, and agriculture. The adaptation strategies of Zea mexicana offer invaluable insights into breeding resilient crop varieties that can withstand environmental stresses and climate change.
In conclusion, the Mexican teosinte not only serves as a crucial genetic reservoir for understanding the development and improvement of maize but also represents an integral part of the natural heritage of Mexico. Its presence from Chihuahua to Northern Oaxaca highlights the ecological diversity and richness of its native regions. The study and conservation of this species remain paramount for both historical insight and future agricultural innovation.
Common Names
En: Mexican teosinte, Corn
Pt: Teosinte, Teosinto
- Euchlaena bourgeaui (E.Fourn.)
- Reana giovanninii (Brign.)
- Zea mays subsp. mexicana ((Schrad.) Iltis)
- Euchlaena mexicana (Schrad.)
- Euchlaena giovanninii (E.Fourn.)
- Mexico Central (native)
- Mexico Northeast (native)
- Mexico Southwest (native)
- Alabama (introduced)
- Brazil West-Central (introduced)
- Egypt (introduced)
- Florida (introduced)
- Jawa (introduced)
- Philippines (introduced)
- Queensland (introduced)
- Sri Lanka (introduced)
Additional Images
Taken Aug 29, 2019 by alfa oscar (cc-by-sa)
© copyright of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
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- PlantNet ( mexicana (Schrad.) Kuntze)
Growth form>: Single Stem
Growth habit>: Graminoid
Growth rate>: Rapid
Ph maximum: 7.5
Ph minimum: 5.5